Project Timeline
This timeline reveals our journey in finding what is crucial for transformational leadership and learning!
When we started the Erasmus+ project application process in the beginning of 2020 we had no idea what we would learn and how much work would go into this collaboration! Over the course of the last two years we have practised together, learned together, succeeded together and failed together.
We just wanted to find out how we could best support leaders on their transformational journeys and if the methodologies we wanted to work with could be of value. Meanwhile we have created business partnerships, friendships, manuals, videos, mutual respect and appreciation of differences and relations that build relations.
Below you find the timeline of our bigger milestones across the whole project. We are happy to answer any questions you have and to support you on your journey towards transformational leadership.
Finalisation of the CADRA Project
„Regarding the Missing Links“ – Event in Offenbach, Germany
Transnational Project Meeting in Offenbach, Germany
Second Row of 40 Leadership Profiles started for “Measuring Developmental Shifts“
Matching Function for Storymatcher™ implemented in Shala Platform
Developmental Coaching Training Last Cohort finished
Adult Development and Transformative Learning Event, Retzhof, Austria
Fluid Mind Practice fully developed
Publication of the first Report on the IDG Survey and Tool-Kit
Leadership Learning Space Pilot for CADRA Participants starts
CADRA Online Event “Inner Development – from Research to Application”, online
Interim Report to the National Agency
Inner Development Action Day Format Template published
Storymatcher™ API installed into Shala-Platform with plugin for Websites
First Multiplier Event “Inner Development Action Day”
Transnational Project Meeting in Berlin
CADRA Team at Emerge Gathering in Berlin
Transnational Project Meeting in Obenaus, Styria
Start of Story Treasure with transcribed and analyzed Stories for Storymatcher™
First public Story Workshops
Youtube Channel for CAD Salons online
First CAD Salon for Practitioners of Dialectical Thinking
Panel on Adult Development at the Mindshift Conference
Center of Applied Dialectics Website online
Story Workshop Format described and trainable
CADRA Panel at the ESRAD Conference
Publishing of the 2nd IDG Survey
Training of CADRA Partners in Story Listening Workshops
First Row of 40 Leadership Interviews started
Official Start
Approval of the Project from National Agency in Liechtenstein
Application handed in to National Agency in Liechtenstein
The CADRA Project is Born