In this section you will find our condensed work and learnings around what it takes to become a mature leader and part of the solutioning. You will find methodologies with intervention guides, the toolkit, reports on our work, videos from the events and salons we hosted, infographics and templates as well as stories from our collective learnings. We strive to make it understandable, provide explanations and make sure you find your way. If you have any questions, let us know!
In this section you will find our condensed work and learnings around what it takes to become a mature leader and part of the solutioning. You will find methodologies with intervention guides, the toolkit, reports on our work, videos from the events and salons we hosted, infographics and templates as well as stories from our collective learnings. We strive to make it understandable, provide explanations and make sure you find your way. If you have any questions, let us know!
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CAD Salon – Transcendental Pluralism and Dialectics
This is the recording of the ninth CAD Salon (Center of Applied Dialectics) with Roman Angerer, theological anthropologist and consultant, on transcendental pluralism and dialectics in adult…
CAD Salon – Inner Development Goals & CADRA
This is the recording of the eigth CAD Salon (Center of Applied Dialectics) with Kristian Stålne, Lead Researcher of the Inner Development Goals Phase 2 Survey and…
CAD Salon – Constructive Developmental Framework
This is the recording of the sixth CAD Salon (Center of Applied Dialectics) with Otto Laske, inventor of the Constructive Developmental Framework, on the practice as a…
CAD Salon – The Practice of Deliberately Developmental Facilitation
This is the recording of the fifth CAD Salon (Center of Applied Dialectics) with Jan de Visch, Executive Professor at Flanders Business School and University of Twente,…
CAD Salon – The 28 Dialectical Thoughtforms and „Rebuild: Leadership, the Economy and You“
This is the recording of the fourth CAD Salon (Center of Applied Dialectics) with Graham Boyd, author of „Rebuild: Leadership, the Economy and You“ on Otto Laskes…
CAD Salon – Mind Opening Dialogue
This is the recording of the second CAD Salon (Center of Applied Dialectics) with Bernhard Possert from the CADRA Partner Organisation „Possert KG“ on the practice of…
CAD Salon – Leadership Profiles
This is the recording of the first CAD Salon (Center of Applied Dialectics) with Jackie Thoms and Rainer von Leoprechting from the CADRA Partner Organisation „Fraendi“ on…