
In this section you will find our condensed work and learnings around what it takes to become a mature leader and part of the solutioning. You will find methodologies with intervention guides, the toolkit, reports on our work, videos from the events and salons we hosted, infographics and templates as well as stories from our collective learnings. We strive to make it understandable, provide explanations and make sure you find your way. If you have any questions, let us know!

In this section you will find our condensed work and learnings around what it takes to become a mature leader and part of the solutioning. You will find methodologies with intervention guides, the toolkit, reports on our work, videos from the events and salons we hosted, infographics and templates as well as stories from our collective learnings. We strive to make it understandable, provide explanations and make sure you find your way. If you have any questions, let us know!

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Trainingsbeschreibung des im CADRA Projekt angewendeten Trainings "Scoring und Interviewing der kognitiven und sozia-emotionalen Dimensionen des Constructive Developmental Frameworks" (Otto Laske)
Plan de formation lié aux dimensions cognitive et socio-émotionnelle du Modèle de Développement Constructif (Otto Laske) et mis en œuvre sur le projet CADRA

La partie la plus importante du projet CADRA a été l’exploration du modèle de construction du développement (Constructive Development Framework – CDF) d’Otto Laske dans le cadre…

Trainingsbeschreibung des im CADRA Projekt angewendeten Trainings "Scoring und Interviewing der kognitiven und sozia-emotionalen Dimensionen des Constructive Developmental Frameworks" (Otto Laske)
Training Outline for Cognitive and Social-Emotional Dimensions of the Constructive Developmental Framework (Otto Laske) as applied in the CADRA Project

The biggest part of CADRA was exploring the Constructive Development Framework (CDF) from Otto Laske in an application. Based on this framework we are offering Developmental Leadership…

Trainingsbeschreibung des im CADRA Projekt angewendeten Trainings "Scoring und Interviewing der kognitiven und sozia-emotionalen Dimensionen des Constructive Developmental Frameworks" (Otto Laske)
Trainingsbeschreibung des im CADRA Projekt angewendeten Trainings „Scoring und Interviewing der kognitiven und sozial-emotionalen Dimensionen des Constructive Developmental Frameworks“

Der größte Teil von CADRA war die Erforschung des Constructive Development Framework (CDF) von Otto Laske in dessen Anwendung. Auf der Grundlage dieses Rahmenwerks bieten wir entwicklungbezogene…

Peer learning groups for leaders
Peer learning groups for leaders – CADRA IO5 Tool

In designing the CADRA programme we hold as a premise that inter- and transdisclipinary thinking and connecting are becoming increasingly relevant to tackle real world problems, while…

Leitfaden für die Moderation von Story-Workshops
Leitfaden für die Moderation von Story-Workshops – CADRA IO5 Tool

Mit diesem Leitfaden können Sie Ihre eigenen Story Listening- Sitzungen durchführen, um Erfolgsgeschichten zu sammeln. Sie erhalten eine Einführung in die Methodik, einige Beispiele für typische Anwendungen…

Guide de Facilitation Ateliers Story Listening
Guide de Facilitation Ateliers Story Listening – CADRA IO5 Tool

Ce guide de facilitation vous permettra de mener vos propres sessions de „Story Listening“ afin de recueillir des expériences de réussite („Success Stories“). Vous y trouverez une…

Story Workshops Facilitations Guide
Story Workshops Facilitations Guide – CADRA IO5 Tool

With this facilitation guide you can conduct your own Story Listening sessions to collect success stories. You will be introduced to the methodology, get some examples of…

Guide d'Application Fluid Mind
Guide d’application Fluid Mind – CADRA IO5 Tool

Ce guide d’application a été développé dans le cadre du projet CADRA afin d’introduire la dimension cognitive du cadre de développement constructif (CDF) d’Otto Laske dans les…

Fluid Mind Application Guide
Fluid Mind Application Guide – CADRA IO5 Tool

This Application guide was developed as part of the CADRA Project to introduce how to bring the cognitive dimension of Otto Laskes Constructive Developmental Framework (CDF) more…