Digitally Assessing Cognitive Adult Development with StoryMatcher – CADRA IO6 Report
Oktober 2023 - Rainer von Leoprechting, Kira Cooper, Josef Kirchengast
This report summarizes the developments of the StoryMatcher tool through the CADRA project. The main outcome is the first level validation of StoryMatcher as a measure of adult development along the scale of Robert Kegan. StoryMatcher is the first application that can claim this.We introduce the need for such a measure in our times, the developmental system of Robert Kegan, the way the StoryMatcher works, and how we conducted the comparison between subject-Object interview results with StoryMatcher outputs.Based on the encouraging findings we conclude that the StoryMatcher application can well facilitate life enhancing searches for new work opportunities, friendships and life partners, and coaches, mentors or learning programmes.